I am the proud mother of three darling children. However, as darling as any child can be, there comes a time in each child’s life when he or she will seemingly become utterly deranged. Sadly, the condition is highly contagious and as a result, the lovely and professional Murielle was left with three subjects that alternated throwing themselves on the floor, bursting into tears or re-enacting that scene with Jack Nicholson from The Shining. So it is a major credit to Murielle that I ended up with five truly stunning images, that really do showcase the personality of each child. I don’t know how she did it, because I literally left her studio going “Oh that was awful; I’ll never do it again.” But no; there’s precious smiles, quirky faces, dancing and even cuisine. They’re beautiful, and I’m going to treasure each one – it really shows the difference between what a professional can do, and what anyone with a smartphone camera can do. Good on you Murielle, for your skill, creativity, patience and professionalism in the face of – well – anarchy.